Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Tryon Creek. Oregon

Fierce sharp-shinned hawk squeaks,
in his best big boy hawk voice,
"Kinglet for dinner!"

Monday, May 5, 2014

Oregon. Tryon Creek.

Rapid giggling stream.
Soft applause of rain. Circles
bloom where two sounds meet.

Owlet, last to leave,
(his siblings eager to jump)
just takes a moment.

Silent coyotes
document their partnership:
crisscrossed prints in snow.

Oregon. Tryon Creek.

Dark clever raven
unfolds the forest; her slow
origami flights.

Horrified robins
shriek; she’s stolen a nestling
(plump, naked, struggling).

Quick dispatch of life.
She plucks delicate pink meat.
Her own brood awaits.